If you are looking to register your middle school or high school student for Confirmation, please fill out the appropriate registration forms below:
To begin the process toward receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, please register for Confirmation 1 (7th Grade and up)
<strong><a href="https://forms.gle/j63LKYDQYcrbEssS9">REGISTR BY CLICKING HERE</a> </strong>
For those who have completed Confirmation 1 and are ready to move into the final preparation for Confirmation, please register for Confirmation 2 (8th grade and up) at:
<strong><a href="https://forms.gle/3X2xTbjeVaKZXR3Y8">REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE </a> </strong>
- Fees for Confirmation 1 are $145
- Fees for Confirmation 2 are $185
Mail a check payable to Saint Gregory Church with CONFIRMATION n the Memo along with your child/ren's name/s
Pay fees online using our electronic payment processing service - VANCO. http://bit.ly/stgregdonation
- Click here to pay for Confirmation I fees
- Click here to pay for Confirmation II fees
- Type the amount you want to pay in the space provided
If you need help with paying fees or have questions about registering for Religious Education, please email
re@stgregs-sanmateo.org or call 650 574 8716