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Grade 1 - Grade 6

The themes of the curriculum at each grade level as well as schedules for these classes are as follows:

Grade 1 (Level 1)

Level 1 is considered the first year of preparation for First Communion for baptized children 6 or 7 years of age. Most students complete this class first graders. The theme of the course is ‘God Loves Us’ and emphasizes; how Jesus teaches us to love God; that we are disciples of Jesus; that we belong to the Church and how we celebrate and live our faith. The children will also be taught the basic prayers of our faith ( the Sign of the Cross, the Glory be, Grace before Meals Prayer, the Hail Mary and the Our Father)

The Level 1 class is taught on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM or 10:15 AM.

Grade 2 (Level 2)

Level 2 is for students in 2nd or 3rd grade who have completed Level 1 at St. Gregory’s or another Catholic parish. In Level 2 our students complete their preparation for the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The theme of the course is ‘Jesus Shares God’s Life’ and emphasizes; that Jesus Christ is always with us; that Jesus calls us to penance and Reconciliation; that Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist and; how we live our Catholic faith. The students will also complete a separate First Eucharist preparation book. Students and parents will also be asked to participate in various celebrations leading up to First Holy Communion.

The Level 2 Class is taught on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM and at 10:00AM.

Grade 3 (Level 3)

The theme for the level 3 class is ‘We Are the Church’ which covers the events/actions of the early Church emphasizing that; Jesus gives us the Church, we are members of the Church, the Church leads us in worship, and that we are called to discipleship.

The Level 3 class is taught on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM.

Grade 4 (Level 4)

The theme for the level 4 class is ‘God’s Law Guides Us’. The course will emphasize; growing in Jesus Christ, how the commandments help us to love God, how the commandments help us to love others and that we are called to holiness.

The level 4 class is taught at 10:00 AM on Sunday morning.

Grade 5 (Level 5)

The theme for the Level 5 class is ‘We Meet Jesus in the Sacraments’. The course will emphasize; that Jesus shares his life with us through Baptism; that Confirmation and the Eucharist complete our initiation; that the Sacraments of healing restore us and; that we should love and serve as Jesus did.

The level 5 class is taught at 10:00 AM on Sunday morning.

Grade 6 (Level 6)

The theme for the Level 6 Class is ‘We Are God’s People” which covers the history of salvation from the old to the new testament. The course will emphasize; the formation of the covenant; building the covenant nation; redefining the covenant people and; the covenant is fulfilled in Jesus.

The level 6 class is taught at 10:00 AM on Sunday morning.

Grades 7 & 8 (Confirmation I and II)

Parish students entering 7th grade through high school who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are required to complete our 2 year parish program which includes attendance at group meetings, Youth Masses, service to others, a retreat and completion of a Teen Safety on-line training course.

Proof of Baptism and First Communion is required at the time of registration.

Contact Information:

For Confirmation:
Heather Bernat, Confirmation Coordinator at or 650 345 8506

For Grades 1 - 6:
Contact the Religious Education Office at or 650 574 8716